Since computer technology is created, a lot of functions and point for mankind. Used for good or evil. 
In the development of technology is increasingly advancing very rapidly, followed by the creation of hardware and software is more advanced and sophisticated for most computer users among themselves. Nowadays a lot of human activity that is very helpful and is dependent on computer technology to support the activities of its activities.
Apple MacBook MC207LL/A 13.3-Inch Laptop

Until now it has created many kinds of computers are tailored to the needs of its users. With the sophistication of computer technology, we can accomplish all our tasks faster and with higher accuracy.
However, along with increasingly sophisticated computer technology that is, the crime rate also caused increasingly sophisticated as well. With this computer, we know all these world events via the Internet. And the more crimes that occurred through this Internet world as we know it with the term cyber crime.
    Therefore we must be very careful and prudent when doing financial activities via the Internet, because it has a lot of events someone who lost money because the transaction via the Internet and do not know or ignore the security that must be done before.
    All this can happen because the technology that we call computers. And we must continue to follow developments as well as diligently studying all kinds of computers that is not outdated as well protected from the evils brought about negative impacts sophistication of computers and software that supports it.
As a suggestion we have participated in various forums about computers and learning to people who were more experienced in this field. Thus we could avoid the evils of others caused by this computer technology.

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